Newly available transcriptome dataset identifies therapeutic targets for neurodegeneration
Lab of Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner Discovers Glial DDR2, STOM, and KANK2 as Therapeutic Targets in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy 🧠 by Zoë Leanza [...]
AD Knowledge Portal at SfN 2023
We will be at SfN in DC in November 2023, exhibiting near the NIH at booth 3313 and answering questions at the following [...]
Understanding the Ingredients for Alzheimer’s disease risk
Researchers from the Jackson Laboratory contribute new scRNA-seq data on microglia in genetically diverse mouse models By [...]
Students Use Agora to Launch Biotech Start-Up for Alzheimer’s Therapeutic
By Zoë Leanza In May 2020, a group of students from the University of Arizona launched a biotechnology start-up called Cliacept (CLEE-a-cept). [...]
Unlocking the Secrets of Alzheimer’s Disease with Psychosis
Unlocking the Secrets of Alzheimer's Disease with Psychosis: The Multi-Omic Approach to Psychosis in Alzheimer’s Disease (MOA-PAD) Study [...]
Evaluation of Therapeutic Hypotheses & Targets Prioritized from Systems-level Analyses of Alzheimer’s Disease | April 29 at 1pm ET
Evaluation of Therapeutic Hypotheses & Targets Prioritized from Systems-level Analyses of Alzheimer’s Disease | April 29 at 1pm ET Recent genome-wide analyses have identified many potential [...]
AD Knowledge Portal Technical Workshop
AD Knowledge Portal Technical Workshop Tuesday, November 12 | 1 - 3pm EST Join us for the annual immersion workshop on how to work with AD [...]
AD Knowledge Portal Webinar Series: AlzPED | April 30, 2024
AD Knowledge Portal Webinar Series: AlzPED AlzPED: An Open Science Tool Raising the Standards for [...]