We will be at SfN in DC in November 2023, exhibiting near the NIH at booth 3313 and answering questions at the following posters and sessions. Connect with us and learn more about resources available!

Sunday, November 12
Inpp5d enhances Ab uptake, mitigates behavioral outcomes by reducing Ab pathogenesis

Monday, November 13
Identifying human-relevant genetic interactors of APOE using genetically diverse mouse strains

PSTR257.23 (no virtual poster)
Discovery Of New Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutic Targets: Knowledge Graph Approach

PSTR257.26 (no virtual poster)
Assessing Brain Metabolic Network Pharmacodynamics of Aducanumab in 5xFAD Mice

Tuesday, November 14
Bridging the gap: advancing aging & dementia research through the open-access AD Knowledge Portal and Agora

Wednesday, November 15
PSTR527.28 (no virtual poster)
Model Ad Explorer: An Interactive, Open Access Dashboard for Exploring Phenotypic and Gene Expression Data from Alzheimer’s Mouse Models

Early molecular events of Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s disease in marmosets with PSEN1 mutations

PSTR529.05 (no virtual poster)
Imaging Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in genetically engineered marmosets expressing PSEN1 mutations using 11C-PiB and 18F-FDG positron emission tomography

Combining genetic and environmental risk to create preclinical animal models of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

NANO84.09 (no virtual presentation)
Transcriptional analysis of new mouse models harboring coding and noncoding human genetic variants associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

For more, check out the list of additional presentations from MODEL-AD!