Somatic Mosaicism and Alzheimer’s Disease Risk
SMIB-AD Study: a Community Data Contribution By Zoë Leanza Earlier this year, Dr. Chunyu Liu’s team [...]
Raising the bar on data and biosample sharing from AD/ADRD clinical trials
NIA’s increased funding for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) research has allowed the continued expansion and diversification of the drug development portfolio and [...]
From ‘Where to FAIR’: Curating and Pre-processing the AddNeuroMed Dataset
By Zoë Leanza Sage Bionetworks Colin Birkenbihl At a recent conference, bioinformatician Colin Birkenbihl showcased his work on the AddNeuroMed (ANM) dataset. [...]
Open Science and Available AD/ADRD Research Data
Learn more about the NIA's efforts to expand the use of open science through an array of new translational infrastructure programs. These programs – [...]