The 18.9 Data Release includes multi-omics data from human cohorts, including fresh autopsy and biopsy specimens from ROSMAP and the Living Brain Project.


  • The VirusResilience_LCL Study

    This study provides transcriptomic data from 60 lymphoblastoid cell lines selected for carriage of mitochondrial variants that have emerged from analysis of AMP-AD mitochondrial data. LCLs were generated from a set of donors that participated in the Harvard Personal Genome Project.

    • This release adds FASTQ files and raw gene counts from bulk RNAseq analysis.
  • The FreshMicro Study

    This study provides transcriptomic, epigenetic, and genetic variation data on microglia isolated from fresh autopsy and biopsy specimens taken from individuals in the ROSMAP cohort, the Mount Sinai/JJ Peters VA Medical Center NIH Brain and Tissue Repository, and the Living Brain Project. 

    • This release provides bulk RNAseq, ATACseq, HiC, and SNP array data from 150 individuals.
  • The ROSMAP Study

    This study provides genomic, transcriptomic, epigenetic, proteomic, and metabolomic data on individuals as part of the Religious Orders Study (ROS) and the Memory and Aging Project (MAP) enrolled by the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center.

    • This release adds summary statistics from a GWAS analysis of cerebral atherosclerosis on 1325 ROSMAP donors.
  • The WGS_Harmonization Study

    This study details an AMP-AD consortium effort to harmonize WGS data generated through grants U01AG046152, U01AG046170, and U01AG046139 . The goal of this study is to create a uniformly processed WGS dataset based on donors profiled through the following studies.

    • This release makes the raw fastq files from ROSMAP, MSBB, and MayoRNASeq study WGS samples available for download to users with signed Data Use Certificates. Previously these files were download-restricted due to large file size.