The December 2017 Data Release includes data updates from MSBB and Mayo. Analyses from RNAseqReprocessing and data from MC-CAA, a new human study designed to identify the transcriptomic signatures that are associated with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) pathology in AD brains in a cohort of 75 individuals.

December 2017 – Data Update

  • Files from the MSBB and MSBB_ArrayTissuePanel studies that contain brain bank ids (or individual ids) have been replaced with new files where the brain bank id has been replaced by a randomly assigned identifier. It is very important that files with the original brain bank ids are destroyed. Therefore, please delete any file you have previously downloaded and download a new version of the file if needed. No other changes have been made to the files.

    MSBB_clinical.csv (syn6101474)
    MSBB_RNAseq_covariates.csv (syn6100548)
    MSBB_WES_covariates.csv (syn6101472)
    AMP-AD_MSBB_WGS__sample_barcode_brainBankID.csv (syn11384608)
    MSBB_Proteomics_PFC_TRAITS.csv (syn6100412) (analysis file) (syn9637147) (network file)

  • MSBB_ArrayTissuePanel
    AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_array_ApoE_genotype.txt (syn4069444)
    AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_covariates_mRNA_AffymetrixU133AB.tsv (syn3205399)
    AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_AffymetrixArray_sample_key.txt (syn4552846)

November 2017 – Data Update

  • MayoRNAseq. The following samples were from individuals that do not meet control criteria (Braak > 3.0). 1957_CER, 1950_CER, 1950_TCX, and 1925_TCX. The CER and TCX covariate files have been updated marking all information for these samples as NA, and the CER and TCX QC files have been update with these samples. Please download the new version of these files.
  • The rnaSeqReprocessing study. Transcript abundances estimates for the previoulsy released data generated from reprocessing of RNAseq generated from the MayoRNAseq, MSBB and ROSMAP studies
  • MC-CAA. RNAseq data from the Mayo Clinic AD-CAA RNA-Seq (MC-CAA) study. This study is designed to identify the transcriptomic signatures that are associated with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) pathology in AD brains in a cohort of 75 individuals

  • The MayoRNAseq study
    Whole Genome Sequencing from 350 subjects
    Pre and post QC genotypes used in the imputed dataset provided in the May 2017 data release.
  • The ROSMAP study
    Whole Genome Sequencing from 1200 subjects
  • The MSBB study
    Whole Genome Sequencing from 354 subjects

  • The MayoRNAseq study
    Preliminary_PolygenicScore_Analysis based on analysis of modules generated from weighted gene co-expression networks.